I’m Okay

Preparing for Major Emergencies

This section will help familiarise you with the different types of emergency situations and natural disasters, including bushfires, heatwaves, dust storms and major power outages.

It will help you understand how emergency organisations alert the community if an emergency is happening, or is likely to happen, as well as how dangerous a particular emergency might be.


It’s important that you understand how
to stay safe if you live in a bushfire-prone area.

Floods & Storms

How to plan for floods if you
live in a flood prone area.

Heat Waves

Prepare for heat waves, reduce your risk of
heatstroke and other medical conditions.

Air Quality & Dust Storms

Air pollution may have significant effects on
your respiratory and cardiovascular health.

Major Power Outages

Losing power can cause difficulties if you
use assistive devices that rely on electricity.