I’m Okay

About the I'm Okay Website

If you are currently experiencing an emergency, contact Triple Zero (000) now!

The I’m Okay website has been created by the Physical Disability Council of NSW as a resource to assist people with disability to respond confidently to a range of emergency situations.  It is a resource built for people with disabilities by people with lived experience of disability, or experience working closely with those with disability. 

People with disabilities often have specific needs in an emergency or natural disaster and this website will help you think about what your needs might be.  It will give suggestions on how to prepare for an emergency or natural disaster including identifying identifying your own specific capacities and limitations,  building a support network and making a plan that you can use if you are in an emergency. 

It will give you the tools to help you take control and stay safe in an emergency with clear, easy to understand guidelines and checklists to download and print along with plenty of links to other helpful websites and downloads.

All resources referred to on the website can be downloaded as .docx files for printing. Links to these, and other websites are in blue, bold, and underlined.

Please note that the contacts and services in this website are NSW based. People with disability who live outside NSW should refer to their state services. The information provided on this website is suggestive in nature and should not be a subsitute for advice and information from relevant emergency service organisations. 

This webpage was funded by a grant from the NRMA. PDCN is grateful for the NRMA’s support of the I’m Okay website. 

We would also like to acknowledge the support of the following organisations who have provided invaluable assistance across the development of the website including: NSW Police Force, NSW Ambulance, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW SES, ACCAN, Carers NSW, USyd Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and the NRMA and Kings Own Institute.